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We are ready to provide you with a hotel experience that fully adapts to your travel needs. Read reviews from recent guests, and then discover our hotel for yourself. We look forward to helping you maintain the perfect balance between work and rest.

The rooms were clean and comfortable.

I got in very late with my wife and baby. Expedia had messed up our reservation, but the staff was friendly, fast and efficient. The rooms were clean and comfortable. Great pillows. Breakfast was good, friendly service and many options. Rooftop pool/gym/lounge was nice with a great view free washers and dryers, which is wonderful when traveling with a 1 year old. My thanks to the staff.

Restaurant is very good

Just spend about 13 hours in this hotel but was very comfortable with great sleep quality and silent. Restaurant is very good, but does not sell any alcohol beverages. Service is so good and warm. Take a look at the view from inside my room at 6.30am


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